We would love to receive letters and packages while we are serving in Cameroon – there is nothing quite like getting mail! Here is our address:

Mollie & Shaun Willis

Corps de la Paix
BP 15
Nkongsamba, Cameroon
C/O US Embassy

While we’d be so happy to get a card, if you want to send a package, here is a list to choose from of some items we would love to have:
– Olive oil or balsamic vinegar
– Mexican foods (spices, peppers, condiments)
– Asian foods (curry, dried coconut milk, Indian spices)
– Canned meat (tuna, salmon, chicken, shelf-stable bacon…)
– Peanut butter or anything with peanut butter in it
– Hot sauces (buffalo wing sauce, sriracha, chipotle)
– Baking mixes
– Coffee (the bolder the better!)
– Beef jerky or pepperoni
– Magazines (RunnersWorld, Time, the Economist, Cooking Light, or Women’s Health, but really, anything in English, yes, we would love your old pre-read copies!)
– Spices and/or spice packets
– Cheese, dried parmesan cheese like Kraft, or the cheese powder for mac and cheese
– And, if you can fit it in, a washer and dryer would be great!

When sending packages, make sure you write “INSURED” many times on the package. Whether or not you insure it, it will help it get to us without being opened. It is super important everything is in sealed plastic bags. All of our mail passes through Douala which is known for having lots of mice in the post office. The mice also happen to love peanut butter, beef jerky, cheddar cheese packets…they have very similar taste! The only way to prevent them from taking a snack out of your package is to put things in sealed plastic bags or tupperware. Lastly, we have to pay a customs import tax, which is a % of what the package is worth…so, please just write that it is papers and food and nothing expensive, as this will prevent us from having to pay a lot to receive it in country. Thanks!

Also, we love to send mail too! Send over your current address and we would love to send a little something from this end of the globe!

  1. Pam Bloch said:

    My son discovered that wrapping everything in heavy duty tinfoil is a great deterrent. It’s one of the few things they don’t like to chew through. Looks like he was in the same staging as you in Sept. 2012? He’s posted in Wum for almost a year by himself, now with another newer PCV also named Sean. I would LOVE ANY information you have about traveling to Lobeke. I am going over in June and it’s really the only place (not restricted) that I would be able to see large animals. Would you please tell me who to contact about being able to stay there and any other pertinent information. Andrew was going to inquire for me but he’s really busy right now and won’t be able to until around May when his project finishes up. Did you hire guides, hire car (I realize from reading this that this is no guarantee of a ride!), bring all your own camping equipment, etc? I’m asking so much because I have tried every avenue and NO ONE has been able or willing to give me information. Thanks and sounds (like my son Andrew) that you are having the time of your life!

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